This study was conducted by AWAZCDS-Pakistan to understand the socio-economic and political situation of PATareas in southern districts of D G Khan and Rajan Pur in the Punjab Province of Pakistan. The study was initially conducted in 2005 and it was published in English. I hope your organization has received the copy of that […]
Justice Beyond Legalities
Research Study on Extent and Dynamic of Punchayat System and its Impact on Marginalized Communities in Southern Punjab People in rural communities of Pakistan experience a locally available, non-formal way of justice system, which is called Punchayat / Jirga. It is considered as economical source of acquiring justice. There is no membership criterion for joining […]
Peeny kay Saaf Pani ka Hasool Mushkil Kiyun…….?
study was conducted by AWAZCDS in March 2008 to assess the quality of water provided by the Water And Sanitation Authority (WASA) through water purification plants. WASMultan has installed 15 water purification plants in Multan and study carried out by AWAZCDS with the technical support of Pakistan Council for Research on Water Resources […]
Access to Safe Drinking Water is Still a Dream
Research Study on State of Water Purification & Filtration Plants & Supply of Clean & Safe Drinking Water to Urban and Semi-Urban Communities of South Punjab. Pakistan is now being considered among Water Stress Countries as the situation is becoming precarious because water availability in Pakistan has decreased from 5000 cubic meters per capita […]
Disarming Domestic Violence
The International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) is the global movement against gun violence a network of 800 civil society organizations, working in 120 countries to stop the proliferation and misuse of small arms and light weapons (SALW). IANSseeks to make people safer from gun violence by securing stronger regulation on guns in […]
Denial of Women’s Right of Inheritance (Enhancing their Vulnerability to Domestic and Social Violence)
Acceptability and giving the women their rights of inheritance is a form of social protection, but its denial is making them more vulnerable to domestic and societal violence. Discourse on social protection has gained currency in the recent decades and has given a rapid economic transition in many developing countries across the world, including those […]
Precious Little Differecne
If urge for destruction is a creative urge, urge for construction, over and over again, happens to be destructive. So man is not only creator but at the same time, he is destroyer. Forests keep disappearing, rivers dry up, wild life is becoming extinct, the climates ruined and the land grows poorer and uglier every day. Walwat has […]
Challenging the Feudalistic Myth Mukhtar Mai’s Case
Violence against the women is common in our society but it becomes more brutal and barbaric in the areas where the state institutions are weak and feudalists are godfathers. This is bitter fact that these feudalists become much strong er during the military regime as the state authorities do not bother about their unlawful acts in lieu of its […]