Women And Reproductive Health Initiative (WARHI)

women and reproductive health initiative District Multan and Muzaffargarh, are among the areas where poverty incidences are extremely high and community development work by either government or development agencies did not get attention over the last 60 years or so. Less than half of people in both the districts are within a half hour distance […]

Financial Statement 2012

Financial Statement for the year ended June 30, 2012

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with approved accounting standards as applicable in Pakistan. Approved accounting standards comprises of Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards for Small Sizes Enterprises (SSEs) issued by Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan. Click here to view & download

Financial Report 2011

Financial Statement for the year ended June 30, 2011

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with approved accounting standards as applicable in Pakistan. Approved accounting standards comprises of Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards for Small Sizes Enterprises (SSEs) issued by Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan. Click here to view & download

Climate Leadership for Effective Adaptation and Resilience (CLEAR) Project

AWAZ Foundation Pakistan: Center for development service with the collaboration of Lead Pakistan implementing this project in Sher shah town-Multan. This project is needed to address the urgent and growing threat of climate change facing poor and vulnerable communities in Southern Punjab. The project will empower civil society to effectively articulate demand for an enabling […]

Social Mobilization Project – Institutional Development

AWAZ started its Social Mobilization Project in September 2009 in collaboration with Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund. The project aimed at mobilizing the vulnerable and marginalized communities of 176 poorest of the poor villages of District Multan for their greater and active participation in community development. It further aimed to empower them socially, economically and politically. AWAZ […]

National Secretariat

House no 462 street no 68 G_11/2 Islamabad [contact title=”Contact National Secretariat” description=”” phone1=”+92 51 2101462″ phone2=”” fax=”” email=”sadia@awazcds.org.pk” hidde_contact=”undefined”]

Provincial Secretariat in Punjab

B1 – A, Canal Berg, Near Thokar Niaz Baig Lahore [contact title=”Contact Provincial Secretariat” description=”” phone1=”+92 42 35292252″ phone2=”” fax=”” email=”info@awazcds.org.pk” hidde_contact=”undefined”]

Field Office Ali Pur

Near Tele phone Exchange, Ali Pur District M.Garh [contact title=”Contact Field Office Ali Pur” description=”Please use the form bellow to contact field office Ali Pur. Your message shall be farworded to Field Office Coordinator Ali Pur.” phone1=”+92 662 701014″ phone2=”” fax=”+92 662 701014″ email=”foalipur@awazcds.org.pk” hidde_contact=”undefined”]

Field Office Muzzafargarh

Rafiq Lodge, Near District Council, Kachehary Road, Muzaffargarh. [contact title=”Contact Field Office Muzaffargarh” description=”Please use the form bellow to contact field office Muzaffargarh. Your message shall be farworded to Field Office Coordinator Muzaffargarh.” phone1=”+92-66-242 3766″ phone2=”” fax=”” email=”fomuzaffargarh@awazcds.org.pk” hidde_contact=”undefined”]

Field Office Jam Pur

House #. 66- St #. 2, Farooq Town,Opposite Model Town Nr.Dajal Bypass Road, Jam Pur, District Rajan Pur [contact title=”Contact Field Office Jam Pur” description=”Please use the form bellow to contact field office Jam Pur. Your message shall be farworded to Field Office Coordinator Jam Pur.” phone1=”+92 (604) 300110″ phone2=”” fax=”” email=”fojampur@awazcds.org.pk” hidde_contact=”undefined”]