Title: “Unite for Body Rights (UFBR)” locally given name “Parwan”.

Duration: 2011-2015

Main objective and deliverables:

During the successful implementation of Program of Hamara Kal, Awaz initiated a new program “Unite For Body Rights (UFBR)” in District Multan to contribute towards improving basic human rights and health status of adolescents in Pakistan, it is a 5-year project which addresses the poor sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) status of young people and women, including efforts to reduce sexual and gender based violence (SGBV). The program is launched with the assistance of Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is led by Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) Alliance comprising of five organizations namely: Rutgers WPF, Simavi, Amref, dance4life and Choice. Globally, PARWAN will contribute to International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Charted and Millennium Development Goals (MGDs).

AWAZ has launched this five year project, in collaboration with Rutgers-WPF in District Multan under following objectives.

  • Increased capacity of CSOs to initiate and manage SRH Rights and Gender Based Violence interventions
  • Improving quality of and access to comprehensive Reproductive health and GBV services for young people and women and marginalized groups
  • Increasing capacity of young people (boys & girls, 13-17 years) to make safe and informed decisions on Life Skills
  • Young people, women and marginalized groups can exercise their SRHR in a more enabling environment.

PARWAN aims to build the capacity of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in District Multan, to be able to initiate and manage SRHR and SGBV interventions. Participating CSOs go through capacity assessment and are systematically exposed to capacity building, technical assistance, and alliance building to improve the status of reproductive and sexual health and rights in their respective areas, particularly with regard to adolescents and women.

PARWAN focuses on developing quality resources and training Health Care Providers (HCPs) on sensitively dealing with reproductive and sexual health and rights issues among youth. This also includes improving the referral services for gender based violence clients. Sensitization packages build on, among other aspects, non-judgmental and non-discriminatory attitudes towards young people accessing SRH services.

PARWAN aims to contribute in creating an enabling environment where the youth of the country can exercise their reproductive and sexual health rights. Advocacy efforts at both policy and community level are necessary for raising awareness and involving community leaders in pushing for better policies and actions that promotes the right-based security of all people, especially adolescents.

To create a conducive environment and ensure sustainability, Parwan, in alliance with major stakeholders, continuously advocates for SRHR of young people, especially giving them the necessary information to make informed decisions and choices in their life.

Schools4life consists of four steps: Inspire, Educate, Activate and Celebrate. Overall it is about becoming an agent4 change, so that we can mobilize others for social change. After that you can convince and involve your peers.

In this program our target group is between the age of 13-19 years because we think:

  • Young people are part of the solution
  • Young people are most vulnerable to sexual and gender based violence
  • Young people are more receptive at this age
  • Young people are the future

Face book and D4L page details

In order to know more about us please visit our

  1. D4L page at
  2. Face book:
  3. AwazCDS-Pakistan(Group)
Posted in SRHR.