Early age marriage of girls is not only violation of their right to education but at the same time girls are deprived of their right to childhood, health and choosing husband of their own choice. It can be considered as a dilemma of our society that a woman is shipped into certain type of traditional […]
An Overview of Livelihood Patterns and Related Gender Issues in PATCommunity of Southern Punjab AWAZ Foundation Pakistan: Center for Development Services (AWAZCDS), a non-governmental organisation (NGO) based in Multan, commenced a study to have a comprehensive overview of livelihood patterns and gender issues attribute to it among PATcommunities of Southern Punjab. Before commencement […]
Where Pakistan Stands on SDGs 2018
With the adoption of 2030 Agenda, on September 25th 2015 by the heads of states of 193 countries under the aegis of United Nation’s General Assembly (UNGA), attention turned to the national level, where our governments at federal and provincial levels, working with a range of stakeholders, and struggling to establish a framework for implementation […]
Investing and Addressing Reasons for Girls’ Dropout from Schools in District Muzaffargarh
Investing and Addressing Reasons for Girls’ Dropout from Schools in District Muzaffargarh. Download PDF File
Workshop on achievement of MDGs
[button size=”small” color=”blue” style=”none” new_window=”false” link=”http://e.dunya.com.pk/detail.php?date=2014-11-08&edition=ISL&id=1377177_80225999″]View Source[/button]
Academicians’ role sought for awareness
MDGs, post-2015 development framework November 08, 2014 Islamabad – “About 420 days are left to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and it requires attention of all stakeholders to do the evaluation of our commitments in order to set right targets in post-2015 regime. The world has already started setting targets for Sustainable Development Goals […]
The Pakistan We Want Beyond 2015
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were signed and adopted by 189 countries after the Millennium Declaration in September 2000.2 The further agreement by member states taken place at the 2005 World Summit. These eight time-bound goals are both global and local, tailored by each country to suit specific development needs and provide concrete, numerical benchmarks for tackling extreme […]
In District Muzaffargarh maternal health complications are a leading cause of morbidity among women. AwazCDS-Pakistan initiated Supporting Access to Family Planning and Post Abortion Care (SAFPAC) project (locally name, WARHI, Women and Reproductive Health Initiative) in district Muzaffargarh in 2013 with the technical support of Care International in Pakistan (CIP) SAF-PAC aims to address PAC […]
Case studies TVET
My name is Azhar Hussain, I belong ot Dhora Hajana, union council Kot Mughlan, Tehsil Jampur of District Rajanpur. I live with my mother and five siblings. I am orphan and my father died at my early age, I could not continue my education due to the financial constraints. I started job to support my […]