While the world is moving towards a global economy in which the local economic and industrial Infrastructure is under threat on the one hand for its integration with the global set up while on the other hand the consumption of local human and material resources has been affected and has caused unemployment and poverty conditions in the less developed and under developed countries. Especially those countries and areas are facing this problem in more intensity which still had to develop a local economic and industrial structure. Pakistan is undergoing a transformation stage from a traditional subsistence economy towards one which is progressive and integrated with global economy. Naturally such transformation involves substitution of traditional norms and institutions with new social norms and Institutions. The situation demands rapid development to pace with the growing compulsion but the same is restrained and frustrated owing to bad governance and lack of vision, foresight on part of the governmental infrastructure. This situation has caused increases in the level of poverty and inequality.

The Socioeconomic and political Situation of PATA in Southern Punjab
Posted in Research Studies / Reports.