Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) is an integral part of institutional development and the organizational strengthening process. It contributes towards the achievement of development intervention with an objective of institutional change. It is about preparing an organization to assess the dynamic needs of its internal and external working context and strengthen its organizational functions to efficiently and effectively manage emerging and changing roles within a specific institutional setting. It encourages the development of new organizational capacities and enables staff to respond effectively to institutional changes. The exercise involves finding answers to questions such as; how can trust be developed between partners? What are the
required changes to existing mandates, and how to cope up with the long term institutional change process?
Keeping in view this perspective, The Asia Foundation (TAF) collaborated with Human Resource Learning Center (HRLC) to carry out capacity assessments of its implementing partner organizations that together form the Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN), a nation-wide network of 32 civil society organizations. AWAZ CDS, a member of FAFEN, is an implementing partner of the project titled Strengthening Transparency Accountability and Electoral Processes in Pakistan (STAEP).
The purpose of the assignment was to conduct a detailed organizational capacity assessment of AWAZ CDS in order to identify needs and areas of improvement as well as develop a capacity building plan for the organization. The acquired information will help in identifying specific areas for capacity building and technical assistance for enhancing productivity, efficiency and improving quality aspects towards achieving desired results.