Background of Pakistan on SDGs: Pakistan is the first country that adopted SDGs as national development agenda in February 2016. Pakistan has formed specialized SDGs units at the Federal, provincial, and special areas to accelerate the progress on SDGs. The government of Pakistan have presented the first VNR in July 2019. The VNR was prepared by Planning Commission of Pakistan in collaboration with aligned ministries. Later, the government again decided to go for the second VNR in 2021, however the decision was taken back afterwards. Now, in 2022 the GoP had again decided to present the second VNR to present during UNHLPF 2022. As usual, the Planning Commission of Pakistan (PCP) has been assigned this task to lead the VNR process and prepare report. PCP also shared the process to conduct VNR of SDGs with concerned stakeholders including CSOs. Three ministries including Ministry of Planning, Development & Special Initiatives, Ministry of Human Rights and Ministry of Climate Change have been given lead to engage with concerned stakeholders. The government decided to consider all SDGs for VNR whereas the UNHLPF has prioritized SDG 4, 5, 14, 15 and 17 for reporting in 2022.Though the report was not disclosed to any stakeholder before it got presented on 15th of July, 2022 at UNHLPF. In order to ensure CSOs perspective and feedback on priority goals particularly SDGs 4 & 5, AwazCDS-Pakistan engaged with education champions/ECN member organizations and other civil society of the country to prepare an analysis of Government reporting and CSOs perspective on that. It also helped in preparing an inclusive statement on behalf of CSOs, and education champions/ECN at HLPF 2022.

Civil Society Perspective July, 2022 on Official VNR 2022 vis-a-vis SDGs 4 & 5
Posted in Research Studies / Reports.