End-line Outcome Measurement for-AwazCDS-Pakistan

Early Age Marriages Practices in the Past According to participants of FGDs, in the past most of children particularly girls were married at early ages. In rural areas girls were married as early as 12-13 years old. Some community members claimed that as many as 70 percent of marriages early ages marriages. Though they also […]

Parwan Program Evaluation-1

This report is a summary of a baseline survey of selected civil society organisations (CSOs) in Pakistan’s Sindh and Punjab provinces. The survey was designed to address specific criteria and requirements outlined in the NWO WOTRO Call for Proposals in 2011. The data presented in this report was collected during in-depth consultations with participating CSOs […]

Parwan Final Country Report

This study was undertaken by Rutgers WPF as part of its UFBR program in order to measure the outcome after a period of two years of conducting activities related to this initiative. The main objective of undertaking this Outcome Measurement activity in Multan and Quetta was to provide the local teams there with an analysis […]