Charter of Democracy 2.0

Pakistan has a chequered political history replete with phases of weak democratic dispensations, four democratic disruptions, and numerous hybrid experimentations. However, the people of Pakistan have never abandoned their dreams, desires and aspirations to be governed democratically through their elected representatives and parliamentary institutions. Click here to view & download

Pakistan Civic Space in Peril

The report is all about emergence, growth and transformation of non-governmental and/ or civil society sector in Pakistan. The report shares the challenges being faced by the sector since long and sheds light on coping mechanisms adopted by the sector to survive as well as struggles to create enabling environment for civic rights and spaces […]

Policy Brief on WAWs Rights-Sindh (English)

Pakistan is the fifth most populous nation in the world. Both directly and indirectly, 70 per cent of its working force is employed in agriculture, with the majority located in rural areas. Agriculture is one of the most crucial industries in Sindh, with nearly two-fifths of its population engaged in the agricultural sector, most of […]

Policy Brief on WAWs Rights-Punjab (English)

Pakistan is the fifth most populous nation in the world. Both directly and indirectly, 70 per cent of its working force is employed in agriculture, with the majority located in rural areas. Agriculture is one of the most crucial industries in Sindh, with nearly two-fifths of its population engaged in the agricultural sector, most of […]

Evaluation by PCP

Evaluation Report by PCP 2012

Certification is based on an objective, professional and critical evaluation. It is aimed at enhancing an organization’s credibility as nonprofit organization, increasing its organizational capacity to streamline and improve its system, helping in diversifying its resource base and facilitating in obtaining taz benefits from the Government of Pakistan (under section 2(36) read with section 61 […]